• 日本語(Japanese)
  • 英語(English)



第1条 定義










第2条 総則




第3条 当社が取得する情報

当社は、本サービスにおいて、以下を含む 、お客様およびエンドユーザーの個人情報を取得します。












第4条 個人情報の利用目的

当社は、本サービスにおいて取得した個人情報を、下記の目的の範囲内で取り扱います。ただし、 エンドユーザーの情報については、お客様から委託された業務の範囲内でのみ取り扱います。

  • お客様からの本サービスの申込みへの対応
  • お客様およびエンドユーザーに対する、本サービスの円滑な提供、維持および改善
  • 本サービスにおける本人確認および不正利用の防止(クレジットカードその他の決済方法の不正利用を防止するための取組みを含む)
  • 本サービスにおけるクレジットカードの不正利用が疑われた場合に、被害の拡大を防止するための必要な措置をとること(サービス利用停止措置等を執ること、法令により認められる範囲で他の事業者と情報を共有することを含む)
  • 本サービスの広告、宣伝、マーケティング(お客様が、本サービスを利用して提供するお客様自身のサービスについて広告、宣伝、マーケティングを行う際に、必要な支援をすることを含む)
  • 本サービスに関する満足度調査などのアンケートの実施
  • 本サービスの研究開発
  • 本サービスの顧客サポートサービスおよび紛争解決
  • 本サービスに関するご案内、お問い合わせ等への対応
  • 本サービスに関する利用規約、本ポリシーの変更、本サービスの停止・中止・契約解除
  • その他本サービスに関する重要なお知らせ等の通知
  • 本サービスを含む当社サービスのご案内、セミナー等のイベント情報の提供
  • 個人情報を匿名加工情報 、仮名加工情報または統計的な情報に加工して、法令で認められる範囲内での使用すること
  • その他、上記利用目的に付随または関連する目的


第5条 (第三者提供)





第6条 (個人情報の取扱いの委託)


第7条 (共同利用 )


第8条 (情報収集モジュール)


名称 :Google Analytics

提供者:Google Inc.

プライバシーポリシー: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=ja

第9条 (安全管理体制)



第10条 (保有個人データに関する開示・訂正等の権利)

本サービスに関する保有個人データ(なお、 当社がお客様から委託を受けて取り扱うエンドユーザーの個人データは、保有個人データには含まれません。)の利用目的の通知、開示、訂正・追加・削除、利用停止・消去または第三者への提供の停止等(以下「開示等」といいます。)の措置については、次項の方法にて受け付け、対応させていただきます。なお、この次項の方法によらない場合または当社が法令上開示等の義務を負わない場合には、請求に応じられない場合がありますので、ご了承ください。

「開示等の請求」を行う場合は、当社から送付いたします、次の請求書 (A) に所定の事項をすべてご記入の上、本人確認のための書類 (B) と定額小為替証書 (C) を同封の上、下記の送付先宛にご郵送ください。

A 当社所定の請求書

1) 個人データ開示請求書(注1)

2) 委任状(注2)



B 本人確認のための書類等

次の (イ) に掲げる書類のいずれかひとつ、および (ロ) に掲げる書類




1) 運転免許証のコピー

2) パスポートのコピー

3) 健康保険の被保険者証のコピー


4) 在留カードまたは特別永住者証明書のコピー

5) マイナンバーカード(個人番号カード)のコピー


6) 住民基本台帳カードのコピー

7) 身体障がい者手帳または療育手帳または精神障がい者保健福祉手帳のコピー

   ※ 7) をお送りいただく場合には、補助書類として、公共料金領収証または住民票も併せてお送りください。




1) 住民票の写し

2) 外国人登録原票の写し

C 定額小為替証書(「開示等の請求」の手数料1000円分)

<上記 A、B、C の送付先>

〒105-0022 東京都港区海岸1-16-1 ニューピア竹芝サウスタワー18F

株式会社ジェーエムエーシステムズ 個人データ開示等相談窓口 宛





取締役 宮永 直

〒105-0022 東京都港区海岸1-16-1 ニューピア竹芝サウスタワー18F




第12条 (本ポリシーの変更)



第13条 (お問い合わせ)


対応窓口の名称:株式会社ジェーエムエーシステムズ  個人情報お問い合わせ窓口



2024年8月1日 制定

Privacy Policy

JMA Systems Corporation (“We”) shall handle the personal information under “Sekai cart” (“Service”, regardless of the means to provide or name change) which we provide as follows:

Article 1 Definition

In this policy, the following terms shall have the meaning as follows:

“Customer” means a legal entity which uses the Service in paid.
“End User” means a user of services which are provided by the Customer by using the Service.
“Personal Information”, ”Personal Data”, ”Retained Personal Data”, ”Anonymized Personal Information”, “Pseudonymized Personal Information” mean “Personal Information”, ”Personal Data”, ”Retained Personal Data”, ”Anonymized Personal Information” and “Pseudonymized Personal Information” as defined in Section 1 of Article 2, Section 3 and 4 of Article 16, Section 6 and 5 of Article 2 of Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan respectively.
“Personal Data, etc.” means a collective term for Personal Data, Anonymized Personal Information and Pseudonymized Personal Information.

Article 2 General Provision

We acknowledge that the proper protection of the Personal Information is an important responsibility and to perform such responsibility, we will comply with Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and other related applicable laws and regulations and endeavor to appropriately handle and protect Personal Information.

This Policy shall apply to the use of the Service. In addition, in the event we stipulate any provision regarding the handling of Personal Information in any privacy policy or other personal information protection policy posted on our website or the terms of use, etc. of the Service, such provision shall also apply. If such provision conflicts with this policy, this policy shall prevail.

This policy shall not apply to the service allied to the Service and provided by the other service providers or any other service provided by a person other than us ("Allied Service"). For the handling of User’s information in the Allied Service, please refer to the privacy policy provided by the provider of the Allied Service.

Article 3 The information to be collected

Under the Service, we will collect personal information of the Customer and the End User including the followings:

Information of the person in charge of the Customer
We will collect the person in charge of the Customer’s name, e-mail address, telephone number and other information specified by us.
End User’s information
We may collect the End User’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, the product of service which is purchased by using the Service, credit card information and other information on payment method, and other information stored on the Service by the Customer upon using the Service.
Information of devices, etc.
We may collect the information of devices used by the Customer and End User (including hardware model, OS and its version, ID information that can identify the device and selected language) to provide, maintain and improve the Service or prevent improper use of the Service. We may also collect the information of the IP address automatically generated and stored when the Service is used, and the operation history and information on the usage situation of the Service of the Customer or End User.
Cookie is a small data file which is written from a web server to a record medium (hard disc, etc.) of the Customer or End User’s computer. When the Customer or End User accesses the Service through a web browser, the data about the usage history of the Service and the activities on the Service is collected by Cookies.
Information on advertisement
We may collect advertisement identifiers (AdID or IDFA, etc.) set on the device of the End User.
Other information entered by the user in the entry form specified by us

When we collect personal information, we will properly collect such information without falsifying or using other improper means.

Article 4 Purpose of use of the Personal Information

We will handle Personal Information collected under the Service within the scope of the following purposes. Provided, however, the information of the End User will be handled within the scope of the activities entrusted by the Customer.

Provision, maintenance and improvement of the Service;
  • To process the application for the Service from the Customer;
  • For the smooth provision, maintenance and improvement of the Service to the Customer and the End User;
  • For the identification and the prevention of unauthorized use of the Service (including an activity to prevent an unauthorized use of credit card or other payment methods);
  • To take necessary action to prevent an increase of damages when an unauthorized use of credit card is suspected in the Service (including taking measures to suspend the use of Service, etc. and sharing information with other service providers to the extent permitted under laws and regulations);
  • For the advertisement, promotion and marketing of the Service (including providing necessary support to the Customer when the Customer advertise, promote or market its own services which are provided by using the Service);
  • To conduct satisfaction survey and other questionnaires regarding the Service; ・ For the research and development of the Service; and
  • For providing customer support service and resolving disputes in connection with the Service.
Notification and response to the Customer and End User, etc.
  • For providing information on and responding to inquiries, etc. about the Service;
  • Amendment of the terms of use of the Service or this policy, or suspension or discontinuation of, or cancellation of the agreement of, the Service; and
  • For giving any other important notices, etc. relating to the Service.
Transfer to third parties
  • For providing information on our services, including the Service, and information on events such as seminars;
  • For processing the Personal Information into Anonymized Personal Information, Pseudonymized Personal Information or statistical information and using them to the extent permitted under laws and regulations; or
  • For any other purposes incidental or related to the purposes of use described above.

We may change the purpose of use set forth in the preceding section to the extent reasonably considered relevant to the purpose set forth in the preceding section, and in the event of such change, we shall notify the Customer of or publish such change in a manner that is easily understandable, such as by posting it on the Service or on the website operated by us.

Article 5 Transfer to third parties

We will not transfer Personal Data to any third party (excluding the consignee referred to in the next Article and joint users set forth in Article 7; the same shall apply in this Article) without the consent of the data subject. Provided, however, that if it falls under any of the following, Personal Data may be transferred without the consent of the data subject to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws and regulations:

It is based on laws and regulations;
It is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the data subject;
It is necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the data subject;
It is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government, or a person who is delegated by government in executing laws or regulations and obtaining the consent of the data subject is likely to impede the execution of such matters; or
The succession of business, including personal information of the data subject, due to merger, company split, transfer of business, or for any other reason.

Where Personal Data is transferred to a third party based on the consent of the data subject, we shall prepare and retain records relating to the following matters:

The prior consent of the data subject has been obtained;
Name or information of the third party sufficient to identify the said third party;
Information sufficient to identify the person, such as the name of the person identified by the Personal Data;
Items of such Personal Data.

Article 6 Delegation of the handling of personal information

We may delegate the handling of all or part of Personal Data obtained from the Customer or End User to a third party within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use. In this case, we shall execute a confidentiality agreement with the consignee in accordance with this policy and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the consignee appropriately manages the information securely.

Article 7 Sharing

We may share Personal Data collected from the Customer or End User with specific parties to the extent necessary for the provision of the affiliated services, etc. In such case, we shall notify in advance of the items of information to be shared, the scope of the third party sharing the information, the purpose of use of such third party and the name of the person who is responsible for the management of such Personal Data.

Article 8 Information collection module

We may incorporate the following information collection module(s) selected by us into the Service to analyze information such as the usage of the Service and advertising effects related to services including the Service. Accordingly, we may provide Personal Data to the provider(s) of the following information collection module(s). The information collection module(s) collect the End User’s information without including personally identifiable information, and the collected information is managed in accordance with the privacy policy and other regulations of each information collection module provider.

Name: Google Analytics

Supplier: Google Inc.

Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=ja

Article 9 Security management system

In order to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of Personal Data and to protect Personal Data, we have implemented necessary and appropriate measures for the security management of Personal Data, such as restricting access to personal information files, limiting the authorized users to the minimum extent necessary, providing necessary education and training for employee and introducing security software to prevent unauthorized access from outside.

We will appoint the person responsible for the management of personal information and appropriately manage Personal Data, etc. and make continuous improvements.

Article 10 Rights regarding disclosure and correction, etc. of Retained Personal Data)

For the notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction/addition/deletion, suspension of use/ deletion or cease to provide a third party ("Disclosure, etc.") of Retained Personal Data (the Personal Data of the End User which is handled for entrustment of the Customer is not included to the Retained Personal Data), we will receive the request by means set forth in the next section and take measures. Provided, however, that if the request is not submitted by means set forth in the next section or we do not assume the obligation to Disclose, etc. under laws and regulations, we may not follow the request.

To make a “Application for Disclosure, etc.”, please fill out the prescribed items of the following form (A) which will be sent from us and enclose the document for identification (B) and fixed amount postal money order (C) and mail to the following address:

A Application form we prescribe

1) Application for Disclosure of Personal Data (Note 1)

2) Power of attorney (Note 2)

When you submit the Application for Disclosure of Personal Data, please fill in the items to request the disclosure, etc. as much detail as possible.

If it is requested by an agent, Power of Attorney is required to be submitted.

B Document for identification, etc.

One of the documents listed in 1) and a document listed in 2)


Document which is sufficient to confirm the identification

One of the following documents, which shall have the same name and address as those of the person who requests the Disclosure, etc. and as shown on the Application for Disclosure of Personal Data.

  • copy of driver's license
  • copy of passport
  • copy of health insurance card (please redact the insurer number and insured person’s number)
  • copy of Presentation of Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate
  • copy of My Number card (individual number card) (it shall be with your photo and please send a copy of the front side that has your photo)
  • copy of Basic Resident Register Card
  • copy of Physical Disability Recordbook, Special Education Recordbook or Health Benefits Recordbook for the Mentally Ill

(Note) When you send g), please also send a receipt of public utilities or Certificate of Residence


Only the following documents which are issued within 30 days from the request for Disclosure, etc. are acceptable. (Any documents shall be issued by public organization such as municipal office, but shall not be a copy made by yourself.)

  • Certificate of Residence
  • Certificate of Alien Registration Card

C fixed amount postal money order (1000 yen, as a fee for “Application for Disclosure, etc.”)

<Mailing address of A, B and C above>

New Pier Takebashi South Tower 18F, 1-16-1, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0022, Japan

JMA Systems Corporation Consultation Desk for Disclosure of Personal Data

Please note we cannot accept the application submitted in person.

Contact Information

Contact for personal information: Email privacy@jmas.co.jp

Our personal information manager

Director Nao Miyanaga

New Pier Takebashi South Tower 18F, 1-16-1, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0022, Japan

Article 11 Applicable laws and regulations

We will handle the Personal Information related to the Service in Japan, and we will handle the Personal Information in accordance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and other laws and regulations of Japan.

If foreign laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information apply to the personal information of the End User which is handled under the Service, we, upon the request of the Customer, will handle such personal information in accordance with the applicable foreign laws and regulations. (For example, if GDPR applies to the Customer’s sales of the products by using the Service, we will take necessary steps as a processor of personal data.) Provided, however, please note, in case that there is a risk of significant interference to the proper conduct of our business (for example, when we are requested to disclose information about security of the Service), we are unable to follow the request. In addition, the Customer shall be responsible to the End User with respect to the handling of the Personal Information of End User.

Article 12 Changes to this policy

We will review the operation of the handling of personal information from time to time in order to make continuous improvements, and this policy may be revised from time to time as necessary.

The revised policy shall be posted on the Service or on the website operated by us or in other ways which is easy to understand. Provided, however, if any revision that requires the consent of the data subject in accordance with applicable laws or regulations, we shall obtain the consent of the data subject in a manner we set forth.

Article 13 Inquiry

We will deal with complaints or other inquiries regarding the handling of Personal Information promptly and properly. Complaints and other inquiries will be received via the following:

Name of the contact desk: JMA Systems Corporation Contact for personal information

Contact Info: privacy@jmas.co.jp

Reception hours: Inquiries may be sent 24 hours a day.

Established: 8/1/2024

CONTACT BtoB の取引を、



